Permanent Recruitment
Recruitment is our thing – so making permanent matches is our dream job. Our constant success in long-term relationships stem from involved reference checking, extensive interviewing, and utilising psychometric tools that will uncover the individual’s work style, strengths and weaknesses.
We aim to provide you with the best candidate for your company – and one that lasts.
- Operation Managers and Supervisors
- Account Staff
- EHS Specialists
- Administrative Staff
We will attend your workplace to complete a comprehensive brief of all your requirements including:
Scope of Project
Skill set required to meet your objective
Your operating policies including – EH & S , and standard employee requirements
Personal Attributes
ARC Staffing Group will apply the criteria to search and selection of suitable candidates via
Existing Database
Online Advertising
Prepare “employee employment summary ” identifying that this applicant meets your specific criteria
Induct all accepted Temporary candidates with our Comprehensive online Induction Program
We will follow up with you on the first day of work to ensure that our candidates are punctual and appropriately dressed and ready for work.
We will seek from you an evaluation for all candidates whom attended during that period to ensure that they consistently meet the standard required.
We will follow up weekly in the first month. In the second and consecutive months we will follow up fortnightly or an alternative time frame that has been negotiated with you.